The Triumph Of The Hibiscus Plant

My hibiscus plant has a unique and fascinating story. For several years, I’ve been tending to a hibiscus plant on my balcony garden. What makes this plant so special is its vibrant, multicoloured flowers. 

It has consistently bloomed for almost a decade, bringing me immense joy and happiness.

However, six months ago, my beloved hibiscus plant suddenly stopped flowering and begain to wither, appearing sickly. I was determined to revive it and tried everything I could think of.

I repotted it into a larger container, carefully untangled the knotted roots, changed the soil, and added essential nutrients. I patiently waited, hoping that my efforts would pay off, but to my disappointment, the hibiscus showed no signs of rejuvenation.

It continued to look sad and feeble, and I had begun to believe it might have reached the end of its life. I reluctantly decided to discard the plant and purchase a new one.  

However, life had other plans. Due to my upcoming travel, I got caught up with preparations and completely forgot about the plant. In my absence ,my domestic help faithfully watered the hibiscus, along with the rest of my balcony garden.

Upon my return, I was pleasantly surprised to notice a tiny, vibrant green sprig emerging from the plant.  Over the next few weeks, I observed the growth of new leaves.

To my absolute delight, this morning, as I strolled onto my balcony, I was greeted by the enchanting sight of a beautiful pink hibiscus flower in full bloom.  I cannot express the overwhelming happiness I felt upon seeing this unexpected burst of life and colour.  

Lesson Learnt

This experience taught me a valuable lesson.

I didn’t give up on my hibiscus plant; I continued to nurture it, even when all hope seemed lost.

This is a testament to the enduring friendship between me and the plant over the years.

As George Washington wisely noted, ” True friendship is a plant of slow growth,” this hibiscus plant exemplifies the beauty of perseverance and patience in nurturing such relationships.

Embracing Nature’s Secrets: A Walk in Berlin’s Largest Park

Tiergarten Berlin- Photo Credit- Author

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than they seek.” – John Muir.

I couldn’t agree more with John Muir. A few years ago, I was in Berlin in the early spring. I had arrived in Berlin on a Sunday morning, feeling sluggish and jet-lagged. To shake off the weariness, I decided to step outside and breathe in some fresh air, and where better to do that than the Tiergarten, which was conveniently close to where I was staying?

The Tiergarten worked wonders for my mood. As John Lubbock aptly put it, “Fresh air is as beneficial for the mind as it is for the body. Nature always seems to be trying to communicate with us, as if she holds some great secret. And indeed, she does.”

Tiergarten-Berlin .Photo Credit-Author

During that early spring morning, the Tiergarten transformed into a breathtaking landscape of pinks, oranges, and greens, with fallen petals creating a delicate carpet on the ground.

It was a delightful experience to take a stroll through the park, absorbing the harmonious blend of colours and the sheer beauty of it all.

This park boasts magnificent trees, serene lakes, and a profusion of flowers.

Tiergarten Berlin. Photo Credit-Author

It’s so vast that one could quickly lose their way; I certainly didn’t realize its immense size when I embarked on my walk.

The Tiergarten is the largest park in Berlin.
Immersing myself in the park’s flora and fauna filled me with an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquillity.

Tiergarten Berlin
Lakes in Tier Garten -Berlin. Photo Credit-Author

That Sunday morning in Berlin started with happiness for me, much like Mary Oliver’s words in

“Hello, sun in my face. Hello, you who made the morning and spread it over the fields… Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.”

This post was first published in Reciprocal Publication of Medium.

Dancing In The Rain: Unveiling The Beauty Of Monsoon

assorted colors umbrella
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

We eagerly await the monsoon season after enduring the scorching summer months. It brings a much-needed refreshing change and serves as a relief for humanity and the environment, which is undergoing a remarkable transformation.

The rains wash away the dust from the trees, causing the grass and foliage to turn a vibrant green. Everywhere, there is a palpable sense of positivity and relief in the air.

Beyond providing respite from the dryness of summer, the monsoon brings joy into our lives.
Having experienced the monsoon in various parts of India and at different stages of my life, I have cherished its beauty and significance.

During my childhood in Kutch, near the Great Rann of Kutch in western India, the monsoon season lasted only about four months in this arid desert region. Although the rainfall was limited, I eagerly awaited the heavy showers that allowed me to play in the rain and get drenched. The enchantment of a rainy day multiplied with the unmistakable aroma of wet soil.

One of my all-time favourite activities during the monsoon was making paper boats and setting them afloat in the rainwater collected in a small pond in our garden.

Another delightful aspect was the chai party organized by my mother for our neighbours and friends. The pleasant, cool weather during the rains provided the perfect excuse to relish hot samosas and pakoras with ginger tea.

During my college days in Mumbai, I experienced the monsoon in a different setting.
With dark clouds looming over the sea, waves crashing on the shores, and the cool sea breeze gently caressing my face, strolling along Marine Drive or walking on Chowpatty Beach was an experience that left a lasting impression. And who could resist the allure of hot tea and pakoras enjoyed on the beach?

While in college and later during my office days near Nariman Point, I made it a point to take a leisurely walk along the beach after office hours to savour the light showers and the soothing sea breeze.

For the past three decades that I have been in Bangalore, I have witnessed the awe-inspiring display of nature’s beauty during the monsoon season.

Places near Bangalore, such as Coorg in Karnataka, become mystical and almost unreal as rain cascades over the lush green coffee plantations. It feels as if one has stepped into a fairyland.

The flip side of the rain

Bangalore experiences monsoon twice a year, from June to September and then from October to December.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the flip side of the rain when the city comes to a standstill during heavy downpours. Unexpected torrential rains can cause extensive damage, including flooding and fallen trees.

“Rain didn’t make things messy. People did that all on their own.” — Barbara Delinsky.

I cannot agree more with what Barbara Delinsky has said. The quote suggests that rain is not responsible for creating a messy or chaotic environment. Instead, it implies that the messiness or disorder we may observe during rainy conditions results from human actions and behaviours.

Human behaviour, such as littering and neglecting proper waste management, contributes to the messiness associated with rainy weather.


Monsoons are genuinely a gift from nature to humanity, continuing to bring joy into our lives. The experience of rain immerses us in the beauty of nature.

Embracing the rain allows us to witness the enchanting magic that unfolds when water falls from the heavens, revealing the wonders of the natural world.