Finding Balance In A Chaotic World

woman balancing
Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery on

Do I feel off balance today, or is something throwing me off? This is a question I frequently pose to myself, pondering what actions I can take to regain my equilibrium.

It has become a recurring occurrence, happening nearly three times a week, where I am in a state of imbalance.

As Dolly Parton astutely remarked, “Never become so absorbed in the pursuit of a livelihood that you neglect the creation of a life.”

Balance is a fundamental principle of life. However, in today’s ever-changing, volatile, and chaotic world, achieving this balance poses a significant challenge.

My typical routine involves planning my day the night before, yet more often than not, I find myself deviating from these plans. Last-minute requests for urgent work, unexpected errands, or emergencies constantly arise, disrupting my equilibrium.

A recent study conducted by Gallup in collaboration with the Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation revealed that one-third of individuals worldwide, equating to almost 2 billion people, feel that their lives are imbalanced.

Various Factors Contributing to Life Imbalance

In our environment, there is a prevailing sense of unrest and disturbance. While technology has brought the world closer together and eliminated boundaries, it has also eroded our core human values.

Intense competition, the never-ending pursuit of wealth and fame, and the desire for a life of comfort, all compounded by the pressure to portray an idealized self on social media, have contributed to the imbalance in our personal lives.

Research indicates that stress-ridden work environments, financial instability, increasing job insecurity, rapid urbanization, a decline in physical activity, and sedentary behaviours are all culprits behind significant health issues.

Conceiving Our Life as a Four-Wheeled Vehicle

Recently, as I prepared for a long road trip, I took my car to the garage for servicing. The mechanic strongly recommended wheel balancing, given the upcoming journey. He advised me to ensure the wheels were aligned correctly to minimize unexpected road bumps.

This experience made me contemplate how our lives can be likened to a four-wheeled vehicle.

When we visualize our lives as cars, we recognize the need for equilibrium on all four wheels. These four wheels represent Personal Life, Relationships, Work Life, and Social Contributions. Striking the right balance between these aspects can undoubtedly lead to a smoother and more enjoyable journey.

However, it is vital to acknowledge that, akin to a car, life may still encounter unanticipated bumps and curves. Being prepared, fostering resilience, and adapting when necessary are crucial for navigating such challenges effectively.

Key Points on Leading a Balanced Life as suggested by Deepak Chopra.

Deepak Chopra, a well-known author and speaker on holistic health and wellness, has provided numerous suggestions for leading a balanced life. While his recommendations encompass a wide range of topics, here are some key points that he has emphasized:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Deepak Chopra often stresses the importance of mindfulness and meditation as tools for reducing stress, increasing self-awareness, and promoting mental clarity. Regular meditation practices help in achieving balance.
  2. Healthy Eating: He advocates for a balanced and nourishing diet. Consuming whole foods, emphasizing fruits and vegetables, and avoiding processed or unhealthy foods are key aspects of leading a balanced life.
  3. Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine is crucial for maintaining physical health and mental well-being. Regular exercise can help manage stress, improve mood, and enhance overall vitality.
  4. Stress Management: Deepak Chopra emphasizes the need to manage stress effectively. Techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, and mindfulness can help reduce stress levels.
  5. Quality Sleep: Prioritizing sleep is vital for physical and mental health. He often recommends establishing healthy sleep routines and adequate rest to support overall balance.
  6. Emotional Wellbeing: Nurturing emotional well-being is a significant component of leading a balanced life. This may include expressing emotions, fostering positive relationships, and engaging in joyful activities.
  7. Purpose and Meaning: Finding purpose and meaning in life can contribute to a sense of balance and fulfillment. Deepak Chopra encourages individuals to explore their passions, interests, and values to lead a more purposeful life.
  8. Spiritual Growth: Deepak Chopra often discusses the importance of spiritual growth to connect with one’s inner self and promote a sense of balance and harmony.
  9. Holistic Health: He emphasizes the holistic nature of health, where the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected. Addressing all aspects of health is essential for overall balance.
  10. Positive Affirmations and Intentions: Deepak Chopra recommends using positive affirmations and setting clear intentions to align your thoughts and actions with your goals and values.
  11. Community and Social Connections: Building and maintaining supportive relationships and connections with others is an essential part of leading a balanced life.
  12. Self-Care: Prioritizing self-care is critical. Taking time for relaxation, self-reflection, and personal growth can contribute to overall well-being.

Individual needs and circumstances can vary, so it’s valuable to explore and adapt these principles to your own life to create a personalized path toward balance and well-being.

Unleash Your Ikigai: What’s Your Purpose In Life?

woman standing on sunflower field
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

“What motivates you to start your day?” I often pose this question to my coaching clients, and the responses I receive can be truly inspiring and filled with passion.

The Japanese have a term for identifying this morning motivation: “Ikigai.” It encompasses why a person gets up in the morning and the driving force behind their actions.

Confucius once said, “If you do a job that you really love, it won’t feel like work, but rather a source of enjoyment.” This phenomenon occurs when one lives with passion, intensity, and a commitment to fulfilling their deepest desire.

Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

Identifying your life’s purpose can be a challenging quest. However, when you’ve pinpointed your likes and passions, it becomes easier to recognize your purpose. Your individual values and passions guide you towards your personal life goals and help you stride purposefully forward.

For me, a career aimed at improving the lives of others has always been my primary goal. My initial aspiration was to have a meaningful career. To achieve this, I dedicated myself to acquiring new skills and knowledge that made me adaptable to various work environments and domains.

Learning should never cease, and one should strive to be a lifelong learner.

Building Fulfilling Relationships

Fostering healthy and reciprocal relationships enables effective communication with others, fostering a better understanding. As a coach and mentor, I treat individuals in a way that inspires and respects them.

Through my experiences and lessons learned, I openly share my failures, successes, and life journey with the people I mentor.

Nature and Art: A Second Purpose

My love for nature and art enriches my life and serves my second purpose.

Age Is Just A Number

Age should never limit your pursuit of your passions. I recently had a conversation with my 89-year-old cousin, who continues to pursue her passion for theatre, acting in films, and writing stories for magazines. At the age of 85, she even decided to take music lessons.

My 94-year-old mother is another inspiring example. She remains dedicated to her passion for knitting, crafting items for underprivileged children and donating to NGOs that support orphans. These remarkable women have set an extraordinary example, proving that age should never hinder your dreams. Life offers rare opportunities to follow your passions, and you should seize them.

Closing Thoughts

Have you ever noticed how your body feels when you engage in activities you are passionate about? It’s a remarkable sensation, filled with immense joy, relaxation, a natural high, and a deep commitment to the task at hand.

Given my purpose in life to help others, I initially provided a lot of pro-bono coaching and mentoring to help individuals progress in their personal and professional lives. Volunteering in this way allowed me to gain valuable experience. Collaborating with individuals from various industries also gave me insights into how I could add value and assist others.

In the wise words of David Cuschieri, “Love what you do and do what you love. Passion is the key that opens the door to joy and abundance.”

Embracing Nature’s Secrets: A Walk in Berlin’s Largest Park

Tiergarten Berlin- Photo Credit- Author

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than they seek.” – John Muir.

I couldn’t agree more with John Muir. A few years ago, I was in Berlin in the early spring. I had arrived in Berlin on a Sunday morning, feeling sluggish and jet-lagged. To shake off the weariness, I decided to step outside and breathe in some fresh air, and where better to do that than the Tiergarten, which was conveniently close to where I was staying?

The Tiergarten worked wonders for my mood. As John Lubbock aptly put it, “Fresh air is as beneficial for the mind as it is for the body. Nature always seems to be trying to communicate with us, as if she holds some great secret. And indeed, she does.”

Tiergarten-Berlin .Photo Credit-Author

During that early spring morning, the Tiergarten transformed into a breathtaking landscape of pinks, oranges, and greens, with fallen petals creating a delicate carpet on the ground.

It was a delightful experience to take a stroll through the park, absorbing the harmonious blend of colours and the sheer beauty of it all.

This park boasts magnificent trees, serene lakes, and a profusion of flowers.

Tiergarten Berlin. Photo Credit-Author

It’s so vast that one could quickly lose their way; I certainly didn’t realize its immense size when I embarked on my walk.

The Tiergarten is the largest park in Berlin.
Immersing myself in the park’s flora and fauna filled me with an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquillity.

Tiergarten Berlin
Lakes in Tier Garten -Berlin. Photo Credit-Author

That Sunday morning in Berlin started with happiness for me, much like Mary Oliver’s words in

“Hello, sun in my face. Hello, you who made the morning and spread it over the fields… Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.”

This post was first published in Reciprocal Publication of Medium.