Embracing a Resolution-Free New Year: A Journey to Well-being

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Photo by Polina Kovaleva on Pexels.com

“Many Years ago,I made a New Year’s resolution to never make New Year’s resolutions. Hell, it’s been the only resolution I’ve ever kept!”- D.S MIXELL

As the calendar turns a new leaf, many embark on the tradition

 of making New Year’s resolutions, vowing to transform their lives for the better.

However, this year, I find myself deviating from this well-established practice.

The reason? A realization that has slowly dawned on me over the years is that

resolutions often lead to unrealized expectations and unnecessary pressure.

In this article, I’ll share my perspective on why I chose to forgo resolutions and

opt for a more liberated approach to self-improvement.

The Weight of Unmet Resolutions

Year after year, I found myself crafting ambitious resolutions only to realize, come

February, that most of them lay by the wayside, unfulfilled.

The burden of unmet resolutions weighed heavily on my shoulders, creating a cycle of disappointment.

It led me to question the effectiveness of such traditional goal-setting practices.

Statistics on Resolution Abandonment

To shed light on the commonality of this experience, let’s delve into some statistics.

According to a study conducted by the University of Scranton, only about 8% of people successfully achieve their New Year resolutions.

Shockingly, by the end of January, more than 25% of individuals have already abandoned their goals. These numbers underscore the challenges of sticking to resolutions and the need

for a different approach.

The Liberation of a Resolution-Free Mindset

This year, I’ve adopted a resolution-free mindset instead of succumbing to the pressure of resolutions. The decision to go with the flow and embrace habits

that contribute to my overall well-being has been liberating. It allows me to

focus on continuous improvement without the rigid constraints of specific


Exploring Free-Flowing Well-being Habits

Without the confines of resolutions, I’ve discovered the joy of exploring well-being habits

organically. From mindfulness practices and regular exercise to fostering

meaningful connections, these habits contribute to my holistic development

without the looming fear of failure.

This approach encourages a positive

mindset, fostering a sense of accomplishment regardless of the scale of the


In the fast-paced world in which we all reside; we forget the power of praying and wishing good things for others. The divine force that resides in each of us helps us to bless others. This act enriches our own existence.

Therefore, I have decided to consciously wish happiness for others every day: people in my community, my circle of friends, and those I encounter daily.


In a world inundated with the pressure to make and achieve New Year resolutions, opting for a resolution-free mindset can be a breath of fresh air. The statistics on resolution abandonment highlight the common struggle many face.

Embracing a more liberated approach to self-improvement alleviates the burden and allows for personal growth without the constraints of unmet expectations.

As we navigate the new year, let’s consider the path of well-being over the rigidity of resolutions, embracing a journey of continuous improvement with flexibility and joy.

I wish all my readers a year filled with abundant happiness, blessings and good health.🎉