Embracing Your Unique Creativity: Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations

Unveiling Creative Confidence
Photo by Abhilash Sahoo on Pexels.com

“Oh! You are so creative.” I’ve often heard these words, and they catch me off guard each time. What have I done to warrant such a compliment? I can’t even draw a straight line, and my singing and dancing skills are best kept within the confines of my shower.

The notion of being labelled “creative” seemed reserved for those with artistic prowess, a rare gift that I believed eluded me.

But, am I underestimating my abilities? Perhaps. It took reading the book“Creative Confidence” by Tom and David Kelley to challenge the myth I had embraced — that creativity is an exclusive club, a sanctuary for the chosen few.

Childhood Revisited: Rekindling the Natural Creativity Within

To me, creativity had always been synonymous with artistic talent — drawing, painting, dancing, or any skill that set individuals apart. However, the Kelley brothers’ book unfolded a broader and more universal definition of creativity, shattering my preconceived notions.

As Children, we were all inherently creative.Kindergarten days were filled with unbridled experimentation and play, free from fear and rejection.

Recently, my 2-year-old niece demonstrated this innate creativity.

Just last week, my 2-year-old niece visited me along with her parents. I offered her soft toys to play with. Since she liked elephants, I gifted her a soft toy elephant. While she was playing with the elephant, I offered her some biscuits to eat.

While playing with her toy elephant, she fed it biscuits before indulging in her snack-a simple act, yet profound in its innocence and lack of concern for societal judgement.

While she was trying different ways to feed the toy elephants, there was no shame or fear that people around her were laughing.

I will not be surprised if encouraging such behaviour can, in the future, lead to the child becoming more creative and innovative and coming up with toys that can be faithful companions to kids.

The Dr Tanu Effect: Power of Creative Problem-Solving

According to the Kelley brothers, creativity is not a rare gift but a natural aspect of human thinking and behaviour.Growing up, the fear of rejection and shame often stifles these creative instincts.

There are some individuals who embrace creative confidence easily. I had read a story about a young doctor who used her creative and innovative thinking to solve a major healthcare problem in a remote village.

Dr Tanu, a young medico after her graduation from a medical college in Mumbai, decided to work in a remote village in for two years. While working in the Village primary health care center, Dr Tanu realized that pregnant women in the village suffered from anaemia and iodine deficiency.

She immediately arranged for iron tablets, vitamins and iodine patches and distributed them among the women.

After a few days, her staff in the hospital informed her that women are refusing to take the pill because they fear that these medicines would make the newborn babies dark in color.

Dr Tanu was disappointed. Very soon she had an idea. She had seen that all women in the village were religious and orthodox and believed that every married women should wear the Bindi (a small round decorative mark on the forehead ,traditionally considered as a sign of marriage in India) on their forehead.

Dr Tanu, used her creative thinking to address the healthcare issue. Faced with resistance to traditional medicine, she devised a unique solution — an iodine patch disguised as a bindi.Dr Tanu’s creativity didn’t just solve a health problem, it showcased the importance of understanding cultural nuances in patient care.

Conclusion and takeaways

In conclusion, as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do the things you fear, and the death of fear is certain.”

This philosophy applies not only to major life decisions but also to everyday challenges. By embracing our creative mindset, we can tackle problems big and small.

The Kelley brothers aptly describe the unleashing of creativity as removing the emergency brake from a car. It’s about freeing ourselves from self-imposed limitations and allowing our creative side to flourish.

As Tori Amos wisely puts it, “There’s room for everybody on the planet to be creative and conscious if you are your own person. If you’re trying to be like somebody else, then there isn’t.”

Embrace your unique creativity ,break free from the myth, and discover the limitless possibilities within.